Friday, December 14, 2012

T Minus 4 Days

Well its getting down to the wire. Less then one week to go. It's definitely going to feel a lot shorter than that. Holiday parties, final happy hours, and the "lasts" are going to be littered throughout the week. Last "case of the Monday's". Last bus ride to work. Last preparations for packing, storing, and shipping. Last goodbyes "see you soons". It is definitely going to be an interesting ride from here on out.

This past weekend (the last weekend before a working Monday! At least for the foreseeable future) was a weekend for trying to get to some of the sights and sounds of the DMV (D.C., Maryland, Virginia) area that we've always wanted to see. We had a list of museums and places to go, a willing travel partner visiting, a local get together, and some decent weather. Our plan was to drive out to the National Air and Space Museum Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center and check out the SR-71 Blackbird and the space shuttle Discovery. We were told that you could probably see everything in about 2 hours. That was a slight under estimate as we wondered the giant hanger for 5 hours taking in some of the most amazing aerospace engineering on the planet. We didn't get to see everything, but had some great discussions about the technology, speculations as to how things work (so the thruster nozzle does rotate: F-35B STOVL Takeoff/Landing), and laughing about "holy high-altitude flying mittens, Batman!." We may not have made it to some of the other places we wanted to go, but the time spent there was quality.

This week we had our holiday party and white elephant gift exchange. Both events were a lot of fun, and we got to hang around with all of the great people we know here at work. The rest of the time here is going to be spent running around getting signatures and packing. I feel we have a lot packed, but it is always amazing what is lurking inside closets, drawers, and cabinets. I know it will get done, as there is no other alternative. Flights are booked, moving people are hired, storage pods are empty and waiting to be delivered.

Deep breath.... 


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